Sunday 3 July 2011


Asteroids are one of the many minor planets of the solar system. The largest asteroids are Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta. The mass of an asteroid of is much less than the mass of the Moon. Few scientists now believe that asteroids are the remains of a former planet. They think that asteroids have a place in the solar system where a planet could've formed, but the gravity of Jupiter prevented it from happening. Some unusual asteroids are made of iron-nickel alloy.
Asteroids, like meteorites, can be classified into specific types. Most asteroids are related to the meteorites known as "irons". A few asteroids, such as Vesta, are probably related to the rarest meteorite class of all. It is the achondrites. These asteroids look like it has the surface composition of many lunar and terrestrial lava flows.

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